Digitized titles by:
A. Bettesworth and J. Batley.
A.C. van Eeden & Co.
Abbot, Henry L.
Abbot, John,
Abert, J. W.
Abert, John James,
Abildgaard, Nicolai,
Abrams, Le Roy,
Acad. M. Swederi.
AcadeÌmie des sciences (France)
AcadeÌmie internationale de geÌographie botanique.
AcadeÌmie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique.
Academia Caesareo-Leopoldina Naturae Curisorum.
Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales,
Academia Médico-Quirúrgica (Puebla Mexico)
Academia Nacional de Ciencias (Córdoba, Argentina)
Academiae Caesareae Leopoldino-Carolinae.
Academiae Caesareae Scientiarum.
Académie malgache.
Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique.
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia.
Academy of Science of St. Louis.
Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna
Accademia gioenia di scienze naturali in Catania
Accademia gioenia di scienze naturali in Catania.
Ackermann, Johann Christian Gottlieb,
Acosta, Cristóbal,
Adair, John.
Adam Islip, Joice Norton, Richard Whitakers.
Adams, Janice E.
Adams, Robert P.
Adanson, Michel,
Adelphus, Johannes,
Aejmelée, Christer,
African Violet Society of America.
Agardh, C. A.
Agassiz, Louis,
Agricultural Research Center-West (U.S.).
Ahlberg, Carl Gustaf.
Aiton, William,
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen
Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien
Akademiia͡Nauk Kazakhskoĭ SSR.
Akademja Umiejętności w Krakowie
Albany Institute
Albertus-Universität zu Königsberg i Pr.
Albrecht, Ignatz.
Alcionio, Pietro,
Alexandre, Nicolas,
Allais, Louis Jean,
Allamand, Jean Nicolas Sébastien,
Alleizette, Charles d'.
Allen, Bruce Hampton
Allen, J. A.
Allen, James Thomas.
Allen, John Alphonse.
Allen, John Fisk.
Allen, Paul Hamilton,
Allen, Thomas,
Allen, Timothy Field,
Allison, Malorye.
Allport, Thomas.
Almeloveen, Theodoor Jansson ab,
Alpini, Alpino,
Alpini, Prosper,
Alter Botanischer Garten Hamburg.
Alvord, Benjamin,
Alvord, William,
Amador de los Rios, José,
American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
American Fern Society.
American Iris Society.
American Philosophical Society.
American Society of Naturalists.
American Society of Plant Taxonomists.
Amman, Johann,
Anderson, Charles L.
Anderson, Lewis Edward,
Andersson, N. J.
Andras, John C.
Andreae Wecheli.
Andrews, Henry Charles,
Andrews, Mrs. George.
Antoine, Franz,
Arago, Jacques,
Arboretum national des Barres.
Arboretum of Los Angeles County.
Arch, John, & Arthur.
Arends, Friedrich.
Arendsen, Arentine H.
Areschoug, F. W. C.
Areschoug, Johan Erhard,
Aretius, Benedictus,
Argotti Botanic Gardens.
Arnam, Steven.
Arnold Arboretum.
Arnott, George A. Walker
Arthur, Joseph Charles,
Arthus Bertrand.
Ascherson, Paul,
Asiatic Society (Calcutta, India)
Asociación Colombiana para el Avance de la Ciencia,
Asociación Latinoamericana de Botánica,
Association française pour l'avancement des sciences.
Association pour l'étude taxonomique de la flore d'Afrique tropicale.
Atkinson & Alexander.
Atwood, Charles,
Aublet, Fusée
Aubriet, Claude,
Audebert, J. B.
Auinger, E. Anton.
Aurell, August,
Austin, C. F.
Austin, E. P.
Austin, Edward Payson.
Australian Museum.
Axenborg, Pehr.
B. and J. White.
B. M.
Bache, A. D.
Bågenholm, Jacob.
Bailey, J. F.
Bailey, L. H.
Baillon, H.
Bailly, D.
Baird, Spencer Fullerton,
Baird, William F.,
Baker, Charles Henry.
Baker, Emund Gilbert,
Baker, John Gilbert,
Bale, J.
Ballain, Godefroy,
Balthasar Moretus.
Balthasarem et Ioannem Moretos.
Balthazarem Arnolletum.
Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse,
Banks, Joseph,
Barbaro, Ermolao,
Barck, Harald,
Barlow, J.
Barnard, Frederick A. P.
Barnas̆, Carl,
Barnes, Charles Reid,
Barnes, George William,
Baron, Richard,
Barraband, Jacques,
Barrère, Pierre,
Barroeta, Gregorio Corbalan,
Bartholf, John H.
Bartholin, Thomas,
Bartholomew, A.C.
Bartlett, Harley Harris,
Bartlett, John Russell,
Barton, E. H.
Barton, William P. C.
Bartram, John,
Bartram, William,
Bary, A. de
Bastin, Edson S.
Baston, L. B.
Bateman, Jas.
Batʻumis botanikuri bagi̇.
Bauer, Cheryl R.
Bauer, Ferdinand,
Bauer, Franz Andreas,
Bauer, M.
Baugh, Edwin P.,
Bauhin, Caspar,
Bauhin, Hieronymus,
Bauhin, Johann Caspar,
Bauhin, Johann,
Baum, Albert.
Baumhauer, E. H. von
Bavoux, V.
Bay, J. Christian
Bayerische botanische Gesellschaft, Regensburg.
Bebb, M. S.
Beccari, Odoardo,
Beck, Charles,
Beckwith, E. G.
Beddome, R. H.
Beechey, Frederick William,
Beer, Georg Emanuel.
Beer, Johann Georg,
Behr, H. H.
Beiping Jingsheng Sheng wu diao cha suo.
Bejthe, Stephan.
Belcher, Edward,
Belgrano, Manuel J.
Bell, William Abraham
Bello, Bernardina.
Belon, Pierre.
Bendire, Charles,
Benjamin White and Son.
Bennett, James L.
Bennett, Mrs. Charles H.
Bentham, George,
Bentham-Moxon Trust.
Berg, Peter Ulrik.
Berge, Ernst von,
Bergens Museum.
Berggren, Jonas.
Bergius, Peter Jonas,
Berlèse, Lorenzo,
Bernays, Francis Jacob
Bernuset, Delamolliere, Falque et soc.
Berry, T.
Bertolet, Robert Morris,
Bertrand, Arthus.
Bescherelle, Émile,
Besemann, Christian Andreas,
Besler, Basilius,
Bessa, Pancrace,
Bessey, Charles E.
Bessin, R.
Bick, James Theodorus.
Bieler, Ambrosius Karl,
Bigelow, Jacob,
Bigelow, John M.
Bik, Jannes Theodorus.
Billiberg, Immanuel,
Billot, C.
Biological Society of Washington
BirdLife International.
Bischoff, Gottlieb Wilhelm,
Bishop, James Nathaniel,
Black, A. R.
Blackwell, Elizabeth,
Blaeu, P. & J.
Blanco, Manuel,
Blankinship, J. W.
Blodget, Lorin,
Bloemaert, Cornelis,
Blume, C. L.
Blume, Karl Ludwig,
Blumenberg, Carl Fredrik.
Boccone, Paolo,
Bock, Hieronymus,
Bock, Johann Carl.
Böcker, Hugo Herman.
Böcking, H. V.
Bodin, Nils Gustaf.
Boerhaave, Herman,
Boerlage, Jacob Gijsbert,
Bogner, Anton.
Bois, D.
Boissier, Edmond,
Bojer, W.,
Bolander, Henry N.
Bolle, Carl August,
Bombay Natural History Society.
Bondt, Jakob de,
Bonelli, Giorgio,
Bonnet, Charles,
Bonpland, Aimé,
Boom, Brian M.
Boom, Henrik & Dirk.
Booth, John Cornelius,
Boott, William,
Borcht, Petrus van der,
Bornet, Édouard,
Borromée, ?,
Bory de Saint-Vincent,
Borzi, Antonino,
Bosch, R. B. van den
Bosscha, J.
Bossi, Jac.
Boston Society of Natural History
Boswell, John T.
Botanic Garden (University of Oxford)
Botanical Research Institute of Texas.
Botanical Survey of India
Botanicheskiĭ institut im. V.L. Komarova.
Botanicheskiĭ institut im. V.L. Komerova.
Botanicheskiĭ sad (Yerevan (Armenian S.S.R.))
Botanichnyĭ park (Askanii͡a-Nova, Ukraine)
Botanische Staatssammlung München
Botanischer Garten (Berlin, Germany)
Botanischer Garten (Bremen, Germany)
Botanischer Garten Darmstadt.
Botanischer Gärten der Stadt Duisburg.
Botanischer Garten Kassel.
Both, Franz.
Böttcher, Clothar.
Bougainville, Hyancinthe Yves Philippe Potentien,
Bowen, T.
Bowie, James.
Bracht, Felix,
Bradbury & Evans.
Bradbury, Henry Riley,
Bradley, Richard,
Brako, Lois
Brako, Lois.
Brandegee, Townshend Stith,
Brandes, Gustav,
Brandsten, Gustav Fredrik.
Brandt, Wilhelm,
Brandza, D.
Branström, Pehr.
Braun, Alexander
Braun, Alexander,
Braun, Johannes M.,
Braun, Nicolaus,
Bray, François Gabriel,
Brehm, L.
Brendel, Frederick,
Bretschneider, E.,
Brewer, T. M.
Brewer, William Henry,
Bridel-Brideri, Samuel Elisée de,
Briganti, Annibale,
Briscoe, Thomas D.
Bristol Naturalists' Society, Bristol, Eng.
British Museum (Natural History).
British Pteridological Society
Britten, James,
Britton, Nathaniel Lord,
Broadhead, Garland C.
Bromme, Traugott,
Brongniart, Adolph q (Adolphe Théodore), d 1801-1876.
Brongniart, Adolphe,
Brook, Nathaniel.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Brotherus, V. F.
Brown, Addison,
Brown, Alfred.
Brown, Benjamin Boyer,
Brown, John Croumbie.
Brown, Robert,
Browne, Patrick,
Brückmann, Franz Ernst,
Brugiere, J. G.
Bruhin, Thomas A.
Brunel, Adolphe.
Bruner, John Clay
Brunet, Ovide,
Brunfels, Otto,
Brunschwig, Hieronymus,
Bubani, Pietro,
Buchenau, Franz,
Buchinger, Jean Daniel
Buc'hoz, Pierre-Joseph,
Buckley, S. B.
Budd, J. L.
Buek, H. W.
Bulmer, W.
Bulmer, William,
Bunge, Alexander von,
Burbidge, F. W.
Burdick, J. H.
Burk, Issac,
Burman, Johannes,
Burt, E. A.
Bury, Edward,
Bush, Benjamin Franklin,
Bush, Firm, Vinegrowers, Bushberg, Mo. (Bush & Son & Meissner)
Bush, Isidor,
Butler, G. D.
C. Plaat.
Cabell, E. C.
Cailliaud, Frédéric,
California Arboretum Foundation
California Arboretum Foundation,
California Arboretum Foundation.
Cambessèdes, J.
Cambridge Botanic Garden.
Camers, Joannes,
Campbell, Albert H.
Campbell, Marius Robinson,
Campbell, Robert Allen.
Camper, Petrus,
Camus, E.-G.
Canby, William Marriott,
Candolle, Alphonse de,
Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de,
Candolle, C.
Canfield, Colbert A.,
Capieux, Johann Stephen,
Carattoni, Gio.
Carbonnier, J.
Cárdenas S., Ma. Angeles.
Cardot, Jules,
Carey, John
Carey, William,
Carlander, Christopher,
Carnegie Institute
Carnegie Institution of Washington.
Carnegie Museum.
Carpenter, W. M.
Carruthers, William,
Carson, Joseph,
Caruel, Teodoro,
Cary, Thomas Greaves,
Casaretto, Giovanni,
Case, Francis M.
Case, L. B.
Casearius, Johannes,
Caspary, Robert,
Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel de,
Cassino, Samuel Edson,
Catesby, Mark,
Cathcart, John Fergusson,
Cauwet-Marc, A.-M.
Čelakovský, Ladislav,
Cels, Jacques Philippe Martin,
Center for Western Studies (Flagstaff, Ariz.)
Cʻentraluri botanikuri baġi (Sakʻartʻvelos SSR mecʻnierebatʻa akademia)
Centre for Canadian Historical Horticultural Studies.
Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)
Cesalpino, Andrea,
Cesati, Vincenzo,
Česká akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění v Praze.
Chailli, Jacques,
Chailli, Jacques.
Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Ann César Tyrbas de,
Chamberet, Jean Baptist Joseph Anne César Tyrbas de,
Chambésy (Switzerland).
Chamisso, Adelbert von,
Chapman, A. W.
Chapuis, Jean Baptiste.
Charleston Botanic Society and Garden.
Chaumeton, François Pierre,
Chelsea Physic Garden.
Chicago Horticultural Society.
Chickering, J. W.
Ching, Ren Chang.
Chiovenda, Emilio,
Chorlton, William.
Christ, D.
Christ, H.
Christensen, Carl,
Christiani de Launoy.
Christoffel Plantyn.
Christophe Ernest Brenck.
Christophe Plantin.
Christophori Plantini.
Christophorum Riegelium.
Christophorus Plantinus.
City of Los Angeles Department of Arboreta and Botanic Gardens.
Civico Orto Botanico di Trieste.
Clapp, A.
Clarke, Benjamin,
Clarke, Charles Baron,
Clarke, Henry L.
Clary, R. E.
Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information (U.S.)
Cleveland, D.
Clinton, George W.
Clusius, Carolus,
Clute, Willard Nelson,
Coffin, J. H. C.
Cogniaux, Alfred,
Colen, J. H.
Coles, William,
Colin, Anthoine.
Collet, Oscar W.
Collet, T. A.
Collier, G. H.
Collin, Gabriel Daniel.
Colonna, Fabio,
Commelin, Caspar,
Commelin, Johannes,
Commons, A.
Congdon, Joseph W.
Congreso Latinoamericano de Botánica
Conner, R.
Conrad, T. A.
Conrad. Uualdkirch.
Conservatoire et jardins botaniques de Nancy.
Constans, L.
Conzatti, Cassiano,
Cooke, Philip St. George,
Cooley, Dennis,
Cope, E. D.
Copus, Guilielmus,
Corda, August Karl Joseph,
Cordus, Euricius,
Cordus, Valerius,
Cornarius, Janus,
Cornelium Haak.
Cornwell, Giles H.,
Correa, Mireya.
Cosson, E.
Cotta, J. G.
Coues, Elliott,
Coulter, John Merle,
Coulter, M. S.
Count d'Eprémesnil,
Cousin, H.
Cragg, Gordon M. L.
Cratty, R. I.
Crawshaw, Edmund.
Crépin, François,
Croat, Thomas B.
Croke, Alexander,
Crosby, Marshall R.
Crum, Howard Alvin,
Crusium, Siegfried Lebrecht.
Cruz, Mário.
Culpeper, Nicholas,
Cunningham, Allan,
Curtis, Charles M.
Curtis, M. A.
Curtis, William,
Curtis's botanical magazine dedications, 1827-1927 : portraits and biographical notes.
Curtiss, Allen Hiram,
Cuvier, FreÌdeÌric Georges,
D. Brown.
D. Miguel Sanchez.
Dall, William Healey,
Dammer, Udo.
Dandenelle, Claës Abraham.
Daniels, Louisa M.
Dansk naturhistorisk forening
D'Arcy, William G.,
Darlington, William,
Darwin, Charles,
Darwin, Francis,
Davenport, Geo. E.
Davies, Robert.
Davis, J. J.
Dawson, George Mercer,
Day, David F.
De Mier, John R.
De Smet, A.
De Smet, Louis,
Decaisne, Joseph,
Delano, Columbus,
Delavay, J. M.
Delessert, Benjamin,
Delff, W.
Delgadillo M., Claudio.
Delile, Eulalia.
Delord, Taxile,
Depannemaeker, P.
Descourtilz, J. Theodore.
Descourtilz, M. E.
Desfontaines, René Louiche,
Desmarest, A.-G.
Desvaux, E.
Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin.
Deutsche Botanische Gesellschaft.
Deutsche Dendrologische Gesellschaft
Deutsche Universität in Prag.
Dewey, Chester,
Deyrolle, Émile,
Didot, Firmin.
Didot, Petri Francisci.
Didot, Pierre,
Dieterich, Johann Christian,
Dieterichs, Johann Georg Nicolaus,
Dietrich, Albert,
Dietrich, David Nathanael Friedrich,
Dietrich, Joann. Christian.
Diffenbaugh, Elias,
Dilly, Charles.
Dimmick, L. Norton,
Dioscorides Pedanius,
Dix, Margaret A.,
Dix, Michael W.,
Dixon, Brandt V. B.
Dixon, H. N.
Dixon, James,
DNA Bank-Net.
Dnipropetrovs'kyĭ nat͡sionalʹnyĭ universitet.
Dodoens, Rembert,
Doelter, Cornelius,
Doggett, W. E.
Domínguez, Juan A.
Don, David,
Don, George,
Dondorf, Bernhard,
Donovan, E.
Doornik, Marcus.
Douglas, Robert,
Dozy, F.
Drake del Castillo, E.
Drake, Daniel,
Drake, S. A.
Dressler, Robert L.,
Droege, Oscar U.
Drude, Oscar,
Du Chesne, Joseph,
Du Mortier, B.-C.
Du Petit-Thouars, Aubert Aubert,
Duboy-Laverne, P. D.
Dubrueil, E.
Duchartre, Pierre Etienne Simon,
Dudley, William Russel,
Duemmler, Ferdinand.
Duflot de Mofras, Eugène,
Dufour, Léon,
Duggan, Eileen P.
Duhamel du Monceau,
Duhamel du Monceau, M
Dulac, Joseph,
Dumas, J.-B.
Duménil, Aug.
Dumont d'Urville, Jules-Sébastien-César,
Dunglison, Robley,
Dunn, G. W.
Duperrey, Louis-Isidore,
Durand, A. B.
Durand, Elias,
Durand, Th.
Durañona, Lucio.
Dutt, Udoy Chand.
Dutton and Wentworth.
Duval-Jouve, J.
Dyck, Jan van.
Dyer, T. F. Thiselton
Dymock, William,
E Typis Crapelet.
E. Allde.
E. Morford, Willington & Co.
East India Company.
Eaton, Daniel Cady,
Ebenhausen, G.
Ecklon, Christian Friedrich,
Eckstein, A.
Ederschen, Joseph.
Edgren, Peter Adolf,
Edman, Joh.
Edwards, George,
Edwards, Sydenham,
Edwards, William H. Cambden,
Edwards, William H. Camden.
Egloffstein, F. W.,
Ehinger, George E.
Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried,
Ehret, Georg Dionysius,
Eichler, August Wilhelm,
Eisenberger, Nicolaus Friedrich,
Eisendrath, Erna R.
Ekermark, Isaac Vilhelm.
Ekman, Olof Jacob,
Ellacombe, Henry Nicholson,
Elliot, Daniel Giraud,
Elliott, Stephen,
Ellis, David,
Ellis, John,
Elmsly, P.
Elwes, Henry John,
Emmons, Samuel Bulfinch.
Emory, William H.
Emsley, P.
Endlicher, István László,
Endlicher, Stephan,
Endress, Philippe-Antoine-Christophe,‏
Engel, John J.
Engelmann, George,
Engelmann, Henry,
Engelmann, Th. W.
Engholm, Jonas Joh.
Englemann, George,
Engler, Adolf,
Ennis, Jacob.
Eõt võs Loránd Tudományegyetem.
Epling, Carl,
Ernest Panckoucke.
Erni, Henry.
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald.
Erven Loosjes.
Erxleben, Johann Christian Polycarp,
Espy, James P.
Ewan, Joseph,
Ewan, Nesta.
F. Debons.
F. Houttuyn.
F. Tempsky.
Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium.
Farlow, W. G.
Faxon, Charles Edward,
Felsekeri, Pauli Jonathae.
Fendler, Augustus,
Fenzl, Eduard,
Fernald, Merritt Lyndon,
Fernández de Oviedo y Valdés, Gonzalo,
Fernie, William Thomas,
Ferrari, Giovanni Battista,
Ferret, Pierre Victor Ad.
Ferret, Pierre Victor Adolphe,
Ferris, Roxana S.
Ficino, Marsilio,
Figuier, Louis,
Fischer, Johann Baptist,
Fischer, Theodor Georg Viktor.
Fischer, Theodor.
Fitch, W. H.
Flagg, Willard C. (Willard Cutting),
Fleischman, Julian
Fleischman, Julian B.
Fleischman, Julian B.,
Fleshman, Dorothy,
Fletcher, Emily.
Flint, William F.
Flora of North America Project
Flora und Botanischer Garten Köln.
Flori, Ant.
Flückiger, Friedrich A.
Focke, Wilhelm Olbers,
Foerste, Aug. F.
Forbes, Henry O.
Ford, Bruce Austin.
Forel, Auguste,
Forsskål, Peter,
Förster, Carl Friedrich.
Forster, Georg,
Forster, Johann Reinhold,
Fortune, Robert,
Forwood, W. H.
Forwood, William Henry,
Fournel, Dominique Henry Louis,
Fournier, Eugène,
Fowler, James,
Frampton, John,
Franchet, Adrien,
Franciscum Clousier.
Francke, Gustav.
Frank, J.
Frank, T.
Franklin, John,
Fransicum Changuion.
Franzoni, Alberto,
Fraser, P. Neill
Frederick Warne (Firm)
Fréese, N. F.
Frémont, John Charles,
Fréret, Louis
Fresenius, Georg,
Freycinet, Louis Claude Desaulses de,
Fries, Elias Magnus,
Fries, Theodor Magnus,
Fuchs, Leonhart,
Fürnrohr, August Emanuel
G. Strahan.
G.C. Nauck (Firm)
Gabb, William M.
Gaertner, Joseph,
Gagnepain, F.
Galinier, Joseph Germain,
Galinier, Joseph Germain.
Gambel, William,
Gandoger, Michel,
Garber, A. P.
Garcke, Aug.
Garden Club of Buzzards Bay.
Garden Society (New York, N.Y.)
Garnery, Joann. Bapt.
Garrett, John,
Gärtner, Carl Friedrich von,
Gattinger, Augustin,
Gaudichaud, Charles,
Gautier, Alexandre.
Gay, Claudio,
Gay, Jacques Etienne,
Gazēs, Theodōros,
Geldenhauer, Gerard,
Gelen, Sigmund,
Geological Survey (U.S.)
Georg Ulricher.
Georgen Melantrich von Auentin.
Georgii Reimeri.
Georgius Ulricher.
Gerard Dewes.
Gerard, John,
Gerard, W. R.,
Gereau, Roy E.
Gereau, Roy E.,
Gerhardt, K.
Gerle, Wolfgang.
Gerlich, Hermann von.
Gerold, Josephi Michaelis.
Gesellschaft der Gartenfreunde Berlins.
Gesner, Konrad,
Geuns, S. J.
Geyer, Karl Andreas,
Geyler, Hermann Theodor
Ghazanfar, Shahina A.
Giardino Botanico Hanbury (Mortola, Italy)
Gibbs, Lilian S.
Gibbs, Wolcott,
Gilbert, Benjamin D.
Gilbert, Grove Karl,
Gillet, Claude Casimir,
Gillett, Edward,
Gillman, Henry,
Girard, Charles Frédéric,
Girard, J. B.
Glasgow Botanic Gardens.
Glavnyĭ botanicheskiĭ sad R.S.F.S.R.
Glenny, David,
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich,
Göbel, David W.,
Godefroy-Lebeuf, A.
Godman, Frederick Du Cane,
Godofredum Kiesewetter.
Goedaert, Johannes,
Goffinet, Bernard.
Gogué & Née.
Goldblatt, Peter,
Gómez de la Maza, Manuel,
González, Amada Pedroni.
Good, Peter P.
Goode, G. Brown
Gordon, Alexander,
Goria͡ninow, Pavel Fedorovich,
Gossens, Alphonse.
Gottsche, Karl Moritz
Gould, Augustus A.
Gourmont, Jean de,
Graham, Alan,
Graham, J. D.
Grandville, J. J.,
Gray Memorial Botanical Association.
Gray, Asa,
Gray, Jane Loring.
Grayum, Michael Howard,
Great Britain.
Green, H. A.
Green, James,
Greene, Edward Lee,
Gregg, Josiah,
Gregory, James F.
Greville, Robert Kaye,
Grévin, Jacques,
Grew, Nehemiah,
Gribelin, Simon,
Griffin, Margaret,
Griffith, J. P. Crozer
Griffith, William,
Grisebach, A.
Griswold, Henry A.
Gronen, W. Otto
Grönland, Johannes,
Groombridge, R.
Grosjean, Henry
Groult, Paul.
Gruber, August,
Gucht, Michael van der,
Guenther, Johann,
Guibert, Nicolas,
Guillemin, J. A.
Guimpel, Friedrich,
Gulielmum Gazeium.
Gürke, M.
Gürke, Max,
Guy, Thomas,
H. Rhodes.
H.C. Carey & I. Lea (Firm)
Haage & Schmidt.
Haage, Friedrich Adolph
Haak, J.
Haartman, Joh. Gust.
Haas, Georg,
Haas, Meno,
Hackius, Franciscus,
Haeckel, Christian,
Haenke, Thaddäus,
Hagen, Hermann August,
Haid, Johann Jacob,
Haines, Henry Haselfoot,
Hale, Josiah,
Hale, Thomas
Hale, Thomas J.
Hales, Stephen,
Hall, Elihu,
Hall, James,
Haller, Albrecht von,
Hallowell, Edward,
Hamilton, Edward,
Hamilton, Francis,
Hamilton, William,
Hammel, Barry Edward,
Hamsen Schönsperger.
Hamy, E. T.
Hanbury, Daniel,
Hanbury, Thomas,
Handel-Mazzetti, Heinrich,
Handsch, Georg H.,
Hans Schotten.
Harford, W. G. W.
Hariot, Paul,
Harlin, Æstanus Emanuel.
Harms, Hermann,
Hartman, Ronald L.
Hartog, Joannes.
Harvard University.
Harvey, F. L.
Harvey, William H.
Hasselt, Arend Ludolf van,
Hasskarl, J. K.
Haude und Spener.
Häussle, J.
Havard, Valery,
Havell, Robert,
Haworth, Adrian Hardy,
Hayden, F. V.
Hays, W. W.
Head, J. Frazier
Heckel, Augustin,
Hediger, Nancy L.
Hedrén, Adam,
Hedrén, Elis,
Hedwig, Johannes,
Heer, Oswald,
Hegelmaier, Christoph Friedrich,
Heiden, Friedr. von der
Heil, Kenneth D.
Heinrich Georg Neubauer.
Helin, Johannes,
Hellmayr, C. E.
Hemprich, Friedrich Wilhelm,
Hemsley, W. Botting
Henderson, I. F.
Henderson, W. D.
Henkel, Alice,
Henry Shaw School of Botany.
Henry, AimeÌ,
Henry, Joseph,
Henshaw, Henry W.
Henslow, J. S.
Herbario HAO.
Herincq, B.
Herlitz, Johannes Nicolaus.
Hermann Uytwerf.
Hermann, Paul,
Herold, Johannes Basilius,
Herr, Michael,
Herrera, Cecilia.
Hervey, E. Williams
Herzog, Theodor Carl Julius,
Hess, Anne Pomeroy,
Heyland, Jean Christoph,
Hier. Frobenium, et Nic. Episcopium.
Hieronymum Lentz.
Hieronymus Frobisch.
Hildmann, H.,
Hilgard, Eugene W.
Hilgard, J. E.
Hilgard, Theod. C.
Hill, John,
Hillebrand, W. F.
Hillebrand, William,
Hinds, Richard Brinsley,
Hinrichs, Gustavus Detlef,
Hirscht, Karl.
Hitchcock, G. N.
Hitchings, E. H.
Hoch, Peter C.
Hochstetter, Christian Ferdinand,
Hoehne, F. C.
Hoernes, Rudolf,
Hoffmeister, Friderci.
Hofverberg, Carl Fredrik.
Hohenacker, R. Fr
Hohenacker, R. Fr.
Höjer, Axel.
Hojer, L. M.
Holbrook, John Edwards,
Holford, J.
Holland, Douglas
Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen.
Höller, Chr.
Hollick, Charles Arthur,
Hollowell, Victoria C.
Holm, Carl Otto.
Hombron, Jacques Bernard,
Hondt, Pieter de,
Hooke, Robert,
Hooker, Joseph Dalton
Hooker, Joseph Dalton,
Hooker, William Jackson,
Hooker, William,
Hooper, David,
Hoopes, Abner
Hoopes, Josiah,
Hornstedt, Claës Fredrik,
Horr, Asa,
Horticultural Society of London.
Hosford, F. H.
Host, Nikolaus Thomas,
Houtte, Louis van,
Houttuyn, M.
Howe, William,
Howell, Thomas,
Howth Demesne Gardens (Howth, Ireland)
Hoysradt, Lyman H.,
Hu, Hsen Hsu,
Hughes, Griffith,
Hull, Edward,
Hultström, Carl Samuel,
Humbert, H.
Humboldt, Alexander von
Humboldt, Alexander von,
Hunter, C. L.
Hunter, John M.
Huppertz, Chas.
I. Dawks.
Ibmayer, Johann
Iean Pillehotte.
Imper. Monast. s. Ambrosii majoris.
Imperatorskaia͡ akademīia͡ nauk (Russia)
Imperatorskīǐ botanicheskīǐ sad Petra Velikago
Imperiali Typographeo.
Imprimerie royale.
Ingenhousz, Jan,
Institut botanique-geólogique colonial de Marseille.
Institut colonial de Marseille.
Institut für Allgemeine Botanik Hamburg.
Institute of Science and Technology (Philippines)
Instituto Botánico de Barcelona.
Instituto de Botánica Darwinion (San Isidro, Argentina)
International Association of Bryologists.
International Legume Conference
International Organization of Plant Biosystematists.
International Symposium on the Molecular Systematics of Bryophytes
Io. And. Endteri, p.m. filium et herides.
Io. Baptista Zuccato.
Io. Guerilium.
Io. Iac. Palmii.
Io. Iosephi Fleischmanni.
Ioannem Gymnicum.
Ioannem König.
Ioannem Moretum.
Ioannis Loei.
Iodocum Ianssonium.
Iosias Rihelius.
Iowa State University.
Irish, C. W.
Isaaci Elzeviri.
Istvánffy, Gyula,
J. Barbezat et compie.
J. Frazer.
J. G. Calve.
J. G. Cottae.
J. Taylor.
J. Wenman.
J.-B. Baillière (Firm),
Jackson, Benjamin Daydon,
Jacob de Cordemoy, Eugène,
Jacobi, Georg Albano von
Jacobs, Joseph
Jacobum Mascardum.
Jacquemont, Victor,
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph,
Jacquinot, Charles Hector,
Jaeger, August,
Jaeger, Hermann,
Jäger, Hermann,
James, Thomas Potts,
Jan Christian Sepp.
Jan vander Loe.
Jan, G.
Janaske, Paul C.
Jardin botanique de la faculté de la médecine et de pharmacie de Marseille.
Jardin botanique de la faculté mixte de médicine et pharmacie de Lyon.
Jardin botanique de la ville de Bordeaux.
Jardin botanique de la ville de Dijon.
Jardín de Aclimatación de La Orotava.
Jardin des plantes de Nantes.
Jaume Saint-Hilaire, Jean Henri,
Jazmín, Florencio
Jean Anisson.
Jean Schott.
Jeffrey, Edward C.
Jeffreys, Thomas.
Jelliffe, Smith Ely,
Jessen, Karl Friedrich Wilhelm,
Jo. Jacobi Palmii.
Jo. Martyn and Ja. Allestry.
Joannem Lertotium.
Joannes Bouchard.
Joannes Catuffe.
Joannes Josephus Gravier.
Joannis König.
Joh. Grüniger.
Joh. Rodolphus Genath.
Johan. Edman.
Johan. Jacobi Genathii.
Johann Christian Dieterich.
Johann David Zunner.
Johannes le Mair.
Johannes Thoma.
Johansson, Johannes
John and Francis Rivington.
John Bohn.
John Bowles & Son.
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.
John Innes Centre.
John Norton.
John Nourse.
Johnson, A. J.
Johnson, Charles Ellis,
Johnson, Joseph Ellis,
Johnson, Thomas,
Johnston, Abraham Robinson,
Johnston, I. M.
Jolicoeur, Henri.
Joncquet, Denis,
Jones, Marcus E.
Jonge van Ellemeet, Willem Cornelis Mary de,
Joor, Joseph F.
Jordanus, Joannes,
Jørgensen, Peter Møller,
Jos. Kirton.
Josephi Kurtzböck.
Josephi Michaelis Gerold.
Josias Rihel.
Juan Cromberger.
Juel, H. O.
Jung, J. J.
Jung, Joh. Jacob.
Junghuhn, Franz Wilhelm,
Juslenius, Abraham D.
Jussieu, Adrien de,
Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de,
Kaiserl. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien.
Kaiserlich Leopoldinisch-Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher.
Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Akademie.
Kaliwoda, Leopoldi Johannis.
Kam'ia͡nets͡ʹ-Podilʹsʹkyĭ Botanichniĭ sad.
Kariuki, Mercy,
Karsten, Hermann,
Kaulfuss, Georg Fried.
Keating, Richard C.
Keating, Richard C.,
Kebun Raya Indonesia
Keck, K.
Kellerman, W. A.
Kellogg, A.
Kellogg, E. C.
Kendl, Joseph Lorenz.
Kendrick, Henry L.
Keng, I-li,
Kharkivsʹkyĭ nat͡sionalʹnyĭ universytet im. V.N. Karazina.
Kick, Cornelis,
Kiggelaer, Franz,
Kihlman, A. Oswald
Kindberg, N. C.
King, George,
King, H.
King, Robert Merrill.
Kirchmeyr, F.
Kirk, J.
Kirkwan, C. de.
Kirtland, J. P.
Kjellenberg, Fredrik Ulrik,
Kjeller, Andreas,
Kjellman, Carl Johan,
Kleeberger, George Reinard,
Klein, William M.
Kloppenburg, Dale.
Knapp, Johann.
Knieskern, Peter D.,
Knorr, Georg Wolfgang,
Knorrii, Georgii Wolfgangi.
Koch, Karl Heinrich Emil,
Koch, Wilhelm Daniel Joseph,
Koehne, Emil,
Koernicke, Friedrich August,
Köhler, F. E.
König, Johann Gerhard,
Königl. Bayer. Botanische Gesellschaft in Regensburg.
Königl. Bayer. Botanische Gesellschaft zu Regensburg.
Königl. Zoologisches und Anthropologisch-Ethnographisches Museum zu Dresden (Germany)
Königlich-Böhmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
Königliche Bayerische Botanische Gesellschaft zu Regensburg.
Königlicher Botanischer Garten (Breslau)
Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen (Netherlands)
Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen.
Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch Indië
Koninklijke Nederlands Botanische Vereniging.
Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem.
Kotschy, Theodor,
Kraeft, J. Heinrich.
Krähmer, Johann.
Kralik, Jean Louis,
Kramer, Johann Georg Heinrich,
Kränzlin, Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig,
Krauss, Johan Carl,
Krebs, F. L.
Krombholz, J. V.
Kuhlmann, João Geraldo,
Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien
Kunth, Karl Sigismund,
Kuntze, Otto,
Kunzé, Richard E.
Kurr, J. G.
Kurz, Sulpiz,
Küster, Karl von.
Kützing, Friedrich Traugott,
LA Botanic Garden.
La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup,
La Touanne, Edmond de,
Laan, Adolf van der,
Labillardière, Jacques Julien Houton de,
Laboratoire de cryptogamie (Muséum national d'histoire naturelle)
Laboratoire de phanérogamie (Muséum national d'histoire naturelle)
Labouret, J.
Laet, Joannes de,
Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de,
Lambert, Aylmer Bourke,
Lamborn, Robert H.,
Lamson-Scribner, F.
Lane-Poole, C. E.
Lanessan, Jean Marie Antoine de,
Lange, Joh.,
Langhans, H.
Langley, Batty,
Laning, E.
Lankester, Phebe,
Lapham, Increase Allen,
Laplace, Cyrille Pierre Théodore,
Laroche, François de,
Latham, Charles
Laubert, Charles Jean,
Laur. Magnus Höjer.
Laurentii Salvii.
Lauterbach, Karl,
Lawesson, J. E.
Lawson, Joseph.
Le Bouteux, Michel,
Le Vaillant, François,
Lea, Isaac,
Lea, M. Carey
Lecomte, Henri,
LeConte, John L.
Ledebour, Carl Friedrich von,
Lefévre, Charlemagne Théophile,
Leggett, William Henry,
Lehmann, F. C.
Lehmann, Johann Georg Christian,
Leiberg, John B.
Leichtlin, Max.
Leistner, O. A.
Lellinger, David B.
Lemaire, Charles Antoine,
Lemmon, J. G.
Lemoine, Victor,
Lennebacker, Helen,
Lenormand, Sébastien René,
León, Blanca.
Leonhardi, Hermann Karl,
León-Yánez, Susana.
Leopoldi Joannis Kaliwoda.
Leroy, Jean-Fṛançois.
LeRoy, Peter Vincent,
Lesquereux, Leo,
Lesson, R. P.
Letterman, George W.
Lettsom, John Coakley,
Léveillé, Augustin Abel Hector ; egr.
Léveillé, H.
Léveillé, Joseph Henri,
Lexow, Carl Fredrik.
L'Héritier de Brutelle, Charles Louis,
Librariae Dieterichianae.
Librarie Gide.
Lichtensteger, Georg,
Lidén, Johan Vilhelm,
Liedbeck, Pehr Jacob,
Ligon, Richard.
Lincecum, Gideon,
Linden, Jean Jules,
Linden, Lucien,
Lindheimer, Ferdinand,
Lindley, John,
Lindroth, Andreas Bernhard.
Link, Heinrich Friedrich,
Linn, Lewis Fields,
Linnaean Fern Chapter.
Linné, Carl von,
Linnean Society of London.
Literis Melchioris Gottofredi Heinii.
Ljungberg, Nils Jonas,
Lloyd, C. G.
Lloyd, John Uri,
L'Obel, Matthias de,
Lochman, Charles L.
Lochner, Michael Friedrich,
Loddiges, Conrad, & Sons.
Loddiges, George,
Lodin, Johan Gustaf.
Loescher, Eduard
Logan, J. H.
London Missionary Society.
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown
Lorea Hernández, Francisco Gerardo.
Lorence, David H.
Lorenzi, Lorenzo.
Los Angeles (Calif.).
Los Angeles Arboretum and Botanic Garden.
Los Angeles Arboretum Foundation.
Los Angeles County (Calif.).
Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden.
Los Angeles State and County Arboretum - Periodicals.
Los Angeles State and County Arboretum,
Los Angeles State and County Arboretum.
Losch, Friedrich.
Lotsy, Johannes Paulus,
Loudon, J. C.
Loureiro, João de,
Lovell Reeve & Co.
Lovering, Joseph,
Lownes, Humphrey.
Lowry, Porter Prescott.
Luchtmans, J.
Luchtmans, Samuel.
Lud. Elzevirium.
Lüddemann, G.
Ludecus, Eduard.
Lüders, Friedrich G. J.
Ludovicum et Danielem Elzevirios.
Ludwig, Otto
Luer, Carlyle A.
Luerssen, Christian,
Lukmanoff, Athanase de.
Lundell, Cyrus Longworth,
Lundmark, Johannes Daniel,
Lundmark, Peter.
Lunds universitet
Lʹvivsʹkyĭ Nat͡sionalʹynĭ universytet imeni Ivan Franka.
Lyte, Henry,
Mackenzie, D.
Maclure, Alexander.
Macoun, John,
Macrae, William F.
Madeley, George Edward.
Madinier, Paul,
Magill, Robert E.
Magnus, P.
Mahler, William F.
Malherbe, Alf.,
Malmanche, Léopold-Adrien.
Malo, Charles,
Malpighi, Marcello,
Manchester, Steven R.,
Manetti, Saverio,
Mann, Charles.
Mann, Horace,
Manso, A. L. P. da Silva.
Marchand, J.
Marchant, Mrs. J.
Marcou, Jules,
Marcus, Adolphi.
Marggraf, Georg,
Marin, Otto Ulrik,
Maris, Jean Baptiste George,
Märkäzi näbatat bağı (Azärbaycan Milli Elmär Akademiyasi)
Marschall von Bieberstein, Friedrich August,
Marseille. Musée Colonial.
Marshall, Charles D.,
Marshall, William,
Martelli, Niccolo,
Marticorena, Clodomiro.
Martindale, Isaac C.,
Martini, Godofredi.
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg.
Martius, Jeremias,
Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von,
Mary, Benj.
Masarykova univerzita v Brně.
Mascardi, Vitalis.
Mason, Silas C.
Masson, Francis,
Masters, J. H.
Masters, Maxwell T.
Mathiae Andreae Schmidt.
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea,
Maund, Benjamin,
Maximowicz, C. J.,
Maycock, James Dottin.
Mayer, Johann,
Mazyck, W. St. J.
McAfee, Henry H.
McAllister, D. E.
McClelland, John,
McVaugh, Rogers,
Mead, Peter B.
Mead, Samuel Barnum
Mears, Ellis.
Medén, Jonas Fredrik,
Medill, William,
Meehan, Thomas,
Meek, F. B.
Meerburgh, Jacobum.
Meerburgh, Nicolaas,
Meier, John W.,
Meisel, A.
Meissner, C. F.
Meissner, Charles Frédéric,
Mellerborg, Claus Erik.
Mellichamp, J. H.
Menand, L.
Mendelova zemědělská a lesnická univevzita v Brně.
Merrill, Elmer Drew,
Mertens, Franz Carl,
Metchnikoff, Elie,
Mettenius, G.
Mettenius, Georg Heinrich,
Mettler, Rudolph.
Meusebach, John O.,
Mey, Johannes de,
Meyer, Adolf Bernhard,
Meyer, Carl Anton,
Meyer, Ernst Heinrich Friedrich,
Michael Anton David.
Michaux, André,
Michigan Botanical Club.
Michler, N.
Miers, John,
Mifʻal tirgume ha-madaʻ ha-Yiśreʼeli.
Mikan, Johann Christian,
Miken, Johann Christian.
Milan (Italy).
Milet de Mureau, Louis Marie Antoine Destouff,
Millan, J.
Millardet, Alexis,
Miller, F. A.
Miller, J.
Miller, James S.
Miller, James S.,
Miller, John,
Miller, Philip,
Millington, Lucy A.
Millspaugh, Charles Frederick,
Miner, Harriet Stewart.
Miquel, Friedrich Anton Wilhelm,
Missouri Botanical Garden,
Missouri Botanical Garden.
Missouri Historical Society.
Mitchell, S. Augustus
Mitchell, S. Weir
Mitlacher, Wilhelm,
Mitten, William,
Modin, Bengt Theodor,
Moench, Conrad,
Mohl, Hugo von,
Mohr, Charles
Mohr, Daniel Matthias Heinrich,
Mojsisovics, August,
Molisch, Hans,
Molkenboer, J. H.
Monardes, Nicolás,
Moninckx, Johan.
Moninckx, Maria.
Montagne, Jean François Camille,
Montiel, Olga Martha,
Moore, Spencer Le Marchant,
Moore, Thomas,
Morán, Rolando
Moreno Patiño, Jorge Enrique.
Morin, Nancy R.
Morrone, Osvaldo,
Morrone, Osvaldo.
Morse, Lucius D.
Morton, Samuel George,
Moseley, Robert K.
Moskovskai͡a selʹskokhozi͡aĭstvennai͡a akademii͡a imeni K.A. Timiri͡azeva.
Mosquin, Theodore.
Motelay, L.
Mourelle de la Rúa, Francisco Antonio,
Moziño, José Mariano,
Mu¨ller, Karl,
Mueller, Carl,
Mueller, Ferdinand von,
Mueller, Mrs. S.
Mü̈hlenpfordt, F.
Muir, John,
Mulgrave, Constantine John Phipps,
Müller, Carl,
Müller, Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich von,
Müller, Karl
Müller, Willy,
Munniks, Johannes,
Muñoz, Jesús.
Munster, A.
Muoria, Paul,
Muquardt, C.
Murray, Johan Anders,
Murtfeldt, Mary E.
Musée Guimet d'histoire naturelle.
Museo civico di storia naturale di Milano.
Museo Nacional de Chile.
Museo Nacional de Montevideo
Museu Nacional (Brazil)
Muséum national d'histoire naturelle (France)
Mykrantz, Barbara,
Mynde, James,
Naczi, Robert Francis Cox.
Nadeaud, J.
Nan-ching ta hsüeh.
Národní muzeum v Praze.
National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)
National Botanic Gardens (Ireland)
National Museums of Kenya
Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Bern.
Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zürich
Naturforschende Gesellschaft von Graubündens.
Naturforschende Gesellschaft zu Freiburg i. B.
Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Halle.
Naturforschender Verein in Brünn.
Naturhistorische Gesellschaft Nürnberg.
Naturhistoriske forening i Kjøbenhavn
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Sachsen und Thüringen in Halle
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Steiermark.
Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg.
Naudin, Charles,
Naumann, Johann Andreas,
Ndang'ang'a, Paul K.,
Nealley, G. C.
Nealley, George C.
Neander, Johann,
Necker, Natalis Joseph de,
Necker, Noel Joseph de,
Nees von Esenbeck, C. G.
NeÌraud, Jules,
Nelson, Burrell E.,
Netto, Ladisláo,
New England Botanical Club.
New York Botanical Garden.
New York State Museum
New Zealand Institute.
Newberry, J. S.
Newman, Edward,
Nichols, J.
Nicholson, George,
Nickell, James Madison.
Nicol, G.
Nicol, George.
Nicolaus Bacquenoius.
Nicolaus Episcopus.
Nicolaus Möller.
Nicollet, J. N.
Niebuhr, Carsten,
Nihon Shokubutsu Gakkai
Ninian Newton.
Nizhegorodskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ universitet imeni N.I. Lobachevskogo.
Nonne, Karl Christian.
Nooten, Berthe Hoola van.
Nordstrom, And. Jac.
Norske videnskaps-akademi i Oslo.
Norway, Wm. H.
Nuttall, Thomas,
Nylander, William,
Nyman, Carl Fredrik,
Oakes, William,
Oba komitéty pro přirodovědecký výzkum země České.
Octave Doin.
Officina Plantiniana Raphelengii.
Ogród farmakognostyczny w Poznaniu.
Oken, Lorenz,
Oldenburg, R.
Oldenland, Henrik Bernard,
Oliver, Daniel,
Olney, Stephen T.
Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines d',
Orcutt, Charles Russell,
Orrström, Andreas Johannes.
Ørsted, A. S.
Orta, Garcia de,
Ortiz, Rosa,
Orto Botanico dell Università di Ferrara.
Orto Botanico dell'Università degli Studi (Cagliari, Italy)
Orto botanico dell'Universita di Genoa.
Orto Botanico dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia.
Orto Botanico di Firenze.
Orto botanico di Palermo
Orto botanico di Palermo.
Orto Botanico di Parma.
Orto botanico di Pisa.
Orto Botanico di Portici.
Orto botanico di Roma.
Orto botanico Pietro Castelli.
Osborne, T.
Osten-Sacken, C. R.
Östling, Peter Constantin.
Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club.
Otto, Eduard,
Otto, Friedrich, 1783-1856
Owen, David Dale,
Owen, Richard,
Pabst, G.
Page, William Bridgewater,
Paine, John A.
Palisot de Beauvois, Ambrose-Marie-François-Joseph,
Pallas, Peter Simon,
Palmengarten (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Palmer, Edward,
Palmgrén, Carl Gustaf.
Palmii, Jo. Jacobi.
Pamplin, G.
Panckoucke, C. L. F.
Panckoucke, Ernestine,
Pando, Francisco.
Paris, E. G.
Parish, S. B.
Parke, Davis & Company.
Parker, Charles F.
Parker, J. C.
Parker, W. B.
Parkinson, John,
Parlatore, Filippo,
Parry, C. C.
Parry, Charles Christopher,
Parry, E. R.
Parsons, Samuel Bowne,
Pasch, Konrad
Patski, J. H.
Patterson, Harry N.
Paul Parey.
Pauli Junchi.
Paulizky, Heinrich Felix,
Pavón, José,
Paxton, Joseph,
Payne, H.
Pázmány Péter Tudomanyegyetemi.
Peabody Museum of Natural History.
Pech, F.
Peck, Charles H.
Pena, Pierre,
Penzig, O.
Perak State Museum.
Pérez-García, Blanca.
Périaux, ?,
Pernotin, B.
Péron, Alphonse,
Perrine, Henry,
Perrottet, G. S.
Perry, S. M. H.
Persoon, C. H.
Peter Parker.
Peter Schoeffer.
Peters, Wilhelm C. H.
Peterson, Peter Magnus.
Petit, Antoine,
Petiver, James,
Pewtress & Co.
Pfeiffer, Ludwig Georg Karl,
Pfenning, Johann Caspar.
Pfersdorff, Charles,
Pfitzer, Ernst,
Phélypeaux, Louis,
Philadelphia Botanical Club.
Philip Miller.
Philippi, Rodolfo Amando,
Phillipps, Evelyn March,
Phillips, Oliver,
Phoebus, Philipp,
Phoenix, F. S.
Picot de Lapeyrouse, Philippe,
Pierre, L.
Pieter van der Aa.
Pike, Walter N.
Pingré, Alexandre Guy,
Pipping, Märta.
Pirotam et Masperum.
Pirotta, Romualdo,
Piso, Willem,
Planchon, J.-E.
Planchon, Jules-Emile,
Plantijnsche Drukkerij
Plantin, Christophe,
Plantiniana (Ex Officina)
Plotkin, Mark J.
Plukenet, Leonard,
Plumier, Charles,
Plummer, Sara A.
Poeppig, Eduard Friedrich,
Pohl, Johann Emanuel,
Poiret, A.,
Poiret, Jean Louis Marie,
Poiteau, A.
Polet, C. B.
Pomeroy, Mary Barnas,
Pona, Giovanni,
Ponman, Bruce E.
Pool, J.
Poot, Abraham van,
Porter, Thomas C.
Porter, Thomas Conrad,
Poselger, H.
Post, Thomas Erik von,
Potier de la Varde, Robert,
Potts, John
Poulsen, C. M.
Power, Frederick B.
Prain, D.
Prang, Louis,
Prantl, Karl,
Preiss, Ludwig.
PreÌvost, Florent.
Presl, Karel Bořiwog,
Presso di Giordano Ziletti.
Prestele, Franz Joseph Ulrich.
Prestele, Joseph,
Prestele, Joseph.
Presyl, J. D.
Preussler, Joh. Dan.
Priest, Robert,
Prieto Cruz, Adriana,
Pringle, Cyrus G.
Pritzel, G. A.
Probasco, Henry,
Prosdocimi, G.
Psilander, Fredrik Christopher,
Puissant, P. A.
Purkyně, Emanuel,
Pursh, Frederick,
Putnam, Charles E.
Putnam, Joseph Duncan,
Putnam, M. L. D.
Quartin Dillon, Léon Richard,
Quélet, Lucien,
R. P. D.,
Radlkofer, L.
Raffeneau-Delile, Alire,
Rafinesque, C. S.
Ramamoorthy, Thennilapuram Parasuramaiyer.
Ransonnet-Villez, Eugen,
Raphelengien, Franciscus,
Raphelengien, Justus,
Rattan, V.
Rau, Eugene A.
Raven, Peter H.
Raven, Peter H.,
Ravenel, Henry William,
Raynolds, W. F.
Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā,
Rea, John,
Real Academia de la Historia (Spain)
Real Jardín Botánico (Spain)
Reale accademia delle scienze di Torino.
Rebuffet, L.,
Redfield, John Howard,
Redfield, W. C.
Redouté, Henri Joseph.
Redouté, Pierre Joseph,
Reed, Annie M., fl. 1880.
Reed, James R.,
Reede tot Drakestein, Hendrik van,
Rees, Abraham,
Reeve Brothers.
Reeve, Benham, and Reeve
Regel, E.
Regia Università di Napoli.
Reichard, Johann Jakob,
Reiche, Karl Friedrich,
Reichenbach, H. G.
Reichenbach, H. G. Ludwig
Reid, Hugo.
Reihlen, Adolf,
Reinsch, Paul,
Reissek, Siegfried,
Reitt, W. N.
Rémond, N.
Rempala, Erin.
Renauld, F.
Rendle, A. B.
Repton, Humphry,
Retzdorff, W.
Retzius, Anders Jåhan,
Reverchon, J.
Reynolds, E. C.
Reynolds, Mary C.
Rhees, Wm. J.
Riba, Ramón.
Richard and Arthur Taylor.
Richard, Achille,
Richardson, John M.,
Richter, Karl,
Riddell, John Leonard,
Ridgway, James
Ridgway, Robert,
Ridinger, Johann Elias,
Rijksherbarium (Netherlands)
Riley, Charles V.
Riley, Martha.
Riocreux, Alfred,
Ritter, Carl,
Ritter, Karl.
Robbins, J. W.
Röber, J.
Robert P. Smith.
Roberts, Henry,
Robins, C. E.
Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln,
Robinson, Harold Ernest,
Robinson, John,
Robinson, W.
Rock, Joseph Francis Charles,
Rodigas, Emile,
Rodin, Robert J.
Rodrigues, J. Barbosa
Roeslin, Eucharius,
Roetter, Paulus,
Röhling, Johann Christoph,
Rojas Gonzáles, Rocío Del Pilar.
Rojas Gonzáles, Rocío.
Römer, J. J.
Roosevelt-Rondon Scientific Expedition
Roscoe, William,
Rose, Joseph Nelson,
Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm,
Roth, E.
Roth, Georg,
Rothrock, Joseph T.,
Rottbøll, Christen Friis,
Roubik, David W.
Roudnice nad Labem (Czech Republic).
Roulston, T'ai Honda.
Roumegüre, Casimir,
Roupell, Arabella,
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques,
Rousselon, Libraire-Éditeur.
Rowley, Gordon D.
Roxburgh, William,
Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland.
Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta.
Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya.
Royal Horticultural Society (Great Britain)
Royal Society of New South Wales
Royal Society of South Australia
Royal Society of Tasmania.
Royen, Adrianus van,
Royle, J. Forbes
Roze, Ernest,
Rudas Lleras, Agustín
Rudas Lleras, Agustín,
Rudbeck, Olof,
Rudkin, W. H.
Ruel, Jean,
Ruge, Georg,
Ruiz, Hipólito,
Rumpf, Georg Eberhard,
Rümpler, Theodor,
Rung, Johan Daniel,
Rusby, Henry Hurd,
Ruysch, Frederik,
Rydberg, Per Axel,
Sabbati, Constantino,
Sabbati, Liberato,
Sachs, Julius,
Sagra, Ramón de la,
Sahlin, Lars Eric.
Saint Paul-Illaire, Ulrich Maximilian von,
Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de,
Salberg, Carl Henrik.
Saldanha da Gama, José de,
Salick, Jan,
Salisbury, R. A.
Salmenius, Andreas Gustaf.
Salmon, William,
Salm-Reifferscheidt, Joseph,
Salvin, Osbert,
Sampaio, A. J. de
Samuel Harding.
Samuelem Luchtmans.
San Diego Society of Natural History.
Sande Lacoste, C. M. van der
Sander, Enno,
Sander, F.
Sandler, Wilhelm.
Sanford, J. A.
Saporta, Gaston,
Sargent, Charles Sprague,
Sartwell, H. P.
Sauerbeck, Friedrich Wilhelm.
Saunders, W. Wilson
Saurman, Benj. F.
Savatier, Ludovic,
Sayer, Robert.
Scarborough, George,
Schaffranek, A.
Schalbaecher, Jos.
Schatz, E.,
Schatz, George E.,
Scheele, Adolf,
Scheer, Fred
Scheffer, Rudolph H. C. C.
Scheidl, Franz Anton v,
Schelle, Ernst.
Schellenberg, G.
Scheus, Hermann,
Scheutz, Nicolaus Johannes
Schimper, Wilhelm-Philippe,
Schinz, Hans,
Schlechtendal, D. F. L. von
Schlechter, Rudolf,
Schliephacke, Karl.
Schloss Belvedere (Vienna, Austria)
Schloss Wilhelma (Stuttgart, Germany)
Schmelz, Martin
Schmidt, A.
Schmidt, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm,
Schmidt, Franz Wilibald,
Schmidt, Moritz,
Schneck, J.
Schneevoogt, G. Voorhelm.
Schneider, Camillo Karl,
Schoell, Frédéric,
Schöffer, Peter,
Schöpf, Johann David,
Schott, Arthur,
Schott, H. W.
Schotte, C. H.
Schrader, Heinrich Adolph,
Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel von.
Schrenk, Jos.
Schubert, Gotthilf Heinrich von,
Schultes, J. H.
Schultes, Joseph August,
Schultes, Julius Hermann,
Schultz, Carl Heinrich,
Schultz, Friedrich Wilhelm,
Schultze, Max,
Schumann, Karl Moritz,
Schur, Philipp Johann Ferdinand,
Schwabe, Willmar.
Schwacke, Wilhelm,
Schwägrichen, Christian Friedrich,
Schwegman, Hendrik ,
Sclater, Philip Lutley,
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio,
Scot, Michael,
Scozzi, T.
Seba, Albert,
Sebastianum Henricpetri.
Seebohm, Henry,
Seeger, Moritz.
Seemann, Berthold,
Segerstadt, Fredrik,
Seidel, J. E.
Seitz, Franz
Selangor State Museum.
Sellier, François Noël,
Sen, Binod Lall
Sencke, Ferdinand,
Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft.
Senefelder, A.
Senoner, Adolph,
Serval, Gustave.
Sessé, Martin,
Setterblad, Anders Erik,
Seuter, Bartholomäus,
Sève, Jacques Eustache de.
Severyns, G.
Shaffer, David H.,
Sharp, William,
Sharpe, Richard Bowdler,
Shaw, Henry,
Sherff, Earl Edward,
Sheridan, Philip Henry,
Shetler, Stanwyn G.
Shinners, Lloyd Herbert,
Short, Charles Wilkins,
Shulʹkina, Tatʹi͡ana
Shumard, B. F.
Shury, D. N.
Sibly, E.
Sickeleers, Peeter van.
Siebert, Selmar,
Siebold, Philipp Franz von,
Siedhof, Charles,
Siler, A. L.
Simpson, J. H.
Sinclair, George,
Sjöbeck, Carl Fredrik.
Skinner, Francis,
Skipper, Dora L.,
Skog, Laurence E.
Sloane, Hans,
Slogett, H. C.,
Small, John Kunkel,
Smith, Charles E.
Smith, Daniel
Smith, Elisha.
Smith, Erwin F.
Smith, George
Smith, James Edward,
Smith, John Donnell,
Smith, John,
Smith, William R.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Institution.
Smocovitis, Vassiliki Betty.
Snelleman, Johannes François,
Snow, Neil
Snyder, John Francis,
Sociedad Científica "Antonio Alzate"
Sociedad Geográfica de Lima.
SocieÌteÌ royale de botanique de Belgique
Società adriatica di scienze naturali in Trieste.
Società dei naturalisti di Napoli.
Società italiana di scienze naturali
Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica.
Societatem typographycam.
Société académique de l'arrondissement de Boulogne-Sur-Mer.
Société botanique de France.
Société Botanique de Genève.
Société des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg.
Société des sciences naturelles de Neuchâtel
Société linnéenne de Bordeaux.
Société linnéenne de Normandie.
Société linnéenne de Paris.
Société mycologique de France.
Société nationale des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg.
Société pour l'Echange des Plantes a Budapest, Hongrie.
Société scientifique de Bruxelles.
Society of Gardeners
Söderberg, Christopher,
Sodiro, Luís,
Solander, Daniel Charles,
Solomon, James Clinton,
Someren, Abraham.
Someren, Joannes van.
Sonder, Otto Wilhelm,
Sorauer, Paul,
Sörling, Gustaf Erik.
Soubeiran, J. Léon
Soulard, Benj. A.
Soulard, Mary,
Southampton Botanic Gardens (Southampton, England)
Southern California Horticultural Institute.
Southern Methodist University.
Soviet Union.
Sowerby, Jac.
Sowerby, James de Carle,
Sowerby, James,
Sowerby, John E.
Spach, Edouard,
Spaulding, Perley.
Spencer, J. W.
Spix, Johann Baptist von,
Spratt, G.
Sprengel, Anton,
Sprengel, Christian Konrad,
Sprengel, Kurt Polycarp Joachim,
Spring, Anton Friedrich,
Spring-Gardens (London)
Spyck, Johannes van der.
Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart
Stabler, E.
Stalker C.
Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust.
Stansbury, Howard,
Starck, F. E.
Station experimentale botanique et agricole à Leopol.
Staudinger, Otto,
Stebbins, G. Ledyard
Stelle, J. Parish
Step, Edward,
Stephani, Franz,
Stephenson, A. G.
Sterbeeck, Franciscus van,
Sterling & Webster Abstract Co.
Sternberg, Joachim.
Šternberg, Kašpar,
Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb,
Stevens, H. H.
Stevens, Isaac Ingalls,
Stevens, Warren Douglas,
Stiffler, Mary.
Stinde, C. R.
Stirton, C. H.
Stockhouse, Robert E.
Strauss, Antonii.
Streater, John
Střední zěmědelská škola Tábor.
Strobel, Pellegrino,
Ström, Gabriel Tobias,
Struve, Jacob Bernhard,
Stünzner, Kurt.
Sturm, J. G.
Sturm, Jakob,
Sturm, Johann Wilhelm,
Sturtevant, E. Lewis
Sturtevant, Robert Swan.
Suber, T. I.
Suksdorf, Wilhelm,
Sullivant, William Starling,
Sulpke, C. G.
Sunberg, Carl Magnus,
Suomen Tiedeseura
Süssenguth, Karl,
Swallow, G. C.
Swartz, Olof,
Sweeny, Robert Ormsby,
Sweet, Robert,
Swezey, Goodwin D.
Swift, Vallery A.
Syen, Arnold,
Syme, G.
Symposium international sur les ombellifères
Symposium on the Botany and Natural History of Panama
Szabados, Clara N.,
T. O. Weigel (Firm),
T. Woodward.
Tabernaemontanus, Jacobus Theodorus,
Tanje, Pieter.
Tastu, J.
Tatnall, Edward,
Taylor & Francis.
Taylor, Charlotte M.
Taylor, Mary S.,
Taylor, Richard & Arthur.
Tʻbilisis botanikuri instituti.
Technische Hochschule Stuttgart.
Technische Universität Dresden.
Texas Research Foundation (Renner)
Theodorus, Iacobus,
Theodosius Rihelius.
Thiselton-Dyer, William T.
Tho. Warren.
Thom, George.
Thomas Cadell.
Thomas Jefferson University.
Thomas, Clarke.
Thomas, Friedrich August Wilhelm,
Thompson, Jacob,
Thompson, William
Thomson, Spencer.
Thomson, Thomas,
Thornton, Robert John,
Thouin, André,
Thuillier, Jean Louis,
Thümen, Felix von,
Thunberg, Carl Peter,
Thurber, George,
Thuret, Gustave,
Thwaites, George Henry Kendrick,
Timme, S. Lee,
Tinne, Alexandrina, P. F.
Tinne, John A.
Tischler, Otto
Tittmann, O. H.
Todaro, Agostino,
Tōhoku Teikoku Daigaku.
Tommasini, Mutius von
Torner, Eric,
Torrey Botanical Club.
Torrey, John,
Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de,
Townsend, John Kirk,
Tracy, S. M.
Trafvenfeldt, Erik Carl.
Trail, James William Helenus,
Trap, P. W. M.
Trelease, William,
Treuttel and Würtz.
Trew, Christoph Jacob,
Triggs, H. Inigo
Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland).
Tromsø museum.
Tschirch, A.
Tuckerman, Edward,
Tulasne, Charles,
Tulasne, Louis René,
Turnbull, Alexander,
Turner, Joanna
Turpin, P. J. F.
Tussac, F.-R. de
Tweedy, Frank,
Typis Academicis.
Typis, et expensis academicis.
Typographia Regia.
Uhlworm, Oskar
Ullman, L.
Ulloa Ulloa, Carmen,
Underwood, Lucien Marcus,
Unger, F.
United States Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel
United States National Herbarium.
United States.
Universidad Central del Ecuador.
Universidad de Antioquia,
Universidad de Chile.
Universidad de Concepción.
Universidad de Panamá.
Universidad de Valencia.
Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
Universidade de Coimbra.
Universidade de Lisboa.
Università degli studi di Sassari.
Università di Bologna.
Università di Camerino.
Università di Catania.
Università di Firenze.
Università di Padova.
Università di Pavia.
Università di Siena.
Università di Urbino.
Universita Karlova.
Universität Frankfurt am Main.
Universität Freiburg im Breisgau.
Universität Graz.
Universität Heidelberg.
Universität Innsbruck.
Universität Leipzig.
Universität Rostock.
Universität Salzburg.
Universität Tübingen.
Universität Wien.
Universitetet i Oslo.
University of Bristol.
University of Chicago.
University of Florida.
University of Kansas.
University of Michigan.
University of Texas at Dallas.
University of the State of New York
Univerzita Karlova.
Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
Uniwersytet Jagielloński.
Uniwersytet Lwowski.
Uniwersytet Stefana Batorego.
Upham, Warren,
Uppsala universitet.
Urban, Ignaz,
Usteri, A.
V.L. Komarov Adyna Năbatat Institutu.
Vahl, M.
Vaillant, Auguste Nicolas.
Vaillant, Sébastien,
Valentini, Michael Bernhard,
Vallet, Pierre,
Van Brovck.
Van der Burgh en zoon.
Van Houtte, Louis,
Vanni, Violante.
Varenius, Gustaf.
Varrentrapp Filium et Wenner.
Varrentrapp, Georg,
Vasey, George,
Vásquez, Rodolfo
Vauthier, Antoine Charles,
Veitch, James
Veler, Boi.
Velloso, José Mariano da Conceição,
Ventenat, É. P.
Ver Huell, Quirijn Maurits Rudolph,
Verbeek, H.
Verbeek, J.
Verein für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemburg, Stuttgart.
Verein zur Beförderung des Gartenbaues in den Königlich Preussischen Staaten.
Vergilius, Marcellus,
Vernon, C.
Verschaffelt, Jean N.
Vesque, Julien,
Veth, Pieter Johannes,
Viaud-Grand-Marais, Ambroise
Vidal y Soler, Sebastián,
Viduam et Ioannem Moretum.
Vietz, Ferdinand Bernhard,
Viewig, Friedrich,
Vilmorin-Andrieux et cie.
Vincenti Valgriss Buchdruckers.
Vischer, Edward.
Vitman, Fulgenzio,
Vogel, Julius Rudolph Theodor,
Vogl, A. E.
Vogtherr, Max.
Volckort, Johann Friedrich.
Volkamer, Johann Christoph,
Vorstius, Aelius Everhardus,
Voss, Andreas,
Vriese, W. H. de
Vysoká škola veterinární v Brně.
Výzkumný ústav Silva Taroucy pro krajinu a okrasné zahradnictví.
W. and J. Innys.
W. Johnstone.
W. Owen.
Waggaman, Samuel.
Wagner Free Institute of Science.
Wagner, Hermann.
Wagner, Johann Jacob.
Wagner, Warren Lambert.
Wahlberg, Pehr Fredrik,
Walch, Johann Ernst Immanuel,
Wale, Samuel,
Walker, Francis Amasa,
Walker, Geo. C.
Wallenius, Conrad.
Wallich, N.
Wallner, Samuel,
Wallroth, Friedrich Wilhelm,
Walter, Thomas,
Waltherischen Hofbuchhandlung.
Wandelaar, Jan,
Ward, Lester Frank,
Warden, C. J. H.
Warder, J. A.
Warner, Robert
Warren, G. K.
Warren, Gouverneur Kemble,
Watson, Chas. E.
Watson, Sereno,
Watson, William,
Watt, David A. P.,
Webb, Philip Barker,
Weber, Albert
Weber, C.
Weber, C. E.
Weber, F. A. C.
Weddell, Hugh Algernon,
Weiditz, Hans,
Weigel, T. O.
Weinmann, Johann Wilhelm,
Welsh, Stanley L.
Wendel Rihel.
Wendel, Abraham Jacobus,
Wendland, Johann Christoph,
Wensjoe, Thure,
Werema, Chacha,
Werff, Henk van der,
Wernham, Herbert Fuller,
Westerhout, Arnold van,
Wetstenius, J.
Wetterling, Johannes.
Wheeler, George M.
Whipple, Amiel Weeks,
White, B.
White, Benj., et filium.
White, C. T.
Whiting, Peter G.
Whitney, J. D.
Whittemore, Alan Thomas,
Wibbe, J. H.
Widmark, Fr. Ol.
Wied, Maximilian,
Wigglesworth, Edward
Wight, Robert,
Wikström, Joh. Em.
Wild, T.
Wildeman, E. de
Wiley & Putnam.
Wilkes, Charles,
Willdenow, Karl Ludwig,
Willem Smith.
William L. Brown Symposium Honoring Dr. Gordon Cragg
Williams, Benjamin Samuel,
Williams, E. E.
Williams, Louis Otho,
Williams, Roger Lawrence,
Willis, Oliver R.
Willkomm, Moritz,
Willmar Schwabe Wissenschaftliches Laboratorium.
Willmott, E. A.
Wilson, Ernest Henry,
Wilson, Henry,
Wilson, Theodore A.
Winberg, Leopold.
Winblad, Jacob Emil.
Winkler, Charles Herman.
Winkler, Eduard,
Wirt, E. W.
Wislizenus, F. A.
Wistrand, August Timoleon,
Withering, William,
Wittmack, Ludwig,
Wittstein, Georg Christian,
Wood, Alphonso,
Wood, Kate,
Wood, Thomas Fanning,
Woodruff, I. C.
Woodville, William,
Woodward, Joseph Janvier,
Woodworth, J. B.
Woolson, Geo. C.
Woolward, Florence H.
Workshop on Botanical Research and Management in Galápagos
Worthen, Amos Henry,
Wright, Charles,
Wright, Samuel Hart,
Wright, W. G.
Württembergische Landesstellen für Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege.
Wyman, Jeffries,
Xantus, L. J.
Xatart, Bartȟlemy‏,
Yarrow, H. C.
Yatskievych, George Alfred,
Yorkshire Naturalists' Union.
Young, M. J.
Young, Robert.
Youngken, Heber W.
Zakład Dendrologii i Arboretum Kórnickie (Polska Academia Nauk)
Zamora Villalobos, Nelson.
Zantzinger, Wm. S.
Zardini, E. M.
Zarucchi, James Lee
Zarucchi, James Lee.
Zeltia (Firm).
Zemská vyšši škola hospodářská v Táboře
Zeyher, Carl Ludwig Philipp,
Zeyher, Johann Michael,
Zhongguo ke xue yuan.
Zigno, Achille de,
Ziletti, Giordano.
Ziz, J.B.
Zollinger, Heinrich,
Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien.
Zorn, Johannes,
Zuccarini, Joseph Gerhard,
Zuloaga, Fernando O.
Zuloaga, Fernando O.,
Zwanziger, Gustav Adolf,
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Areschoug, Johan Erhard,
(1811 - 1887)
Plantae cotyledoneae florae Gothoburgensis :quas, secundum familiarum naturalium ordinem Friesianum /disposuit atque descripsit John Erh. Areschoug.
Publication info: Londini Gothorum :Sumtibus C. W. K. Gleerupii,1836.