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Crŭÿde boeck :in den welcken die geheele historie dat es tgheslacht, tfatsoen, nae[m], natuere, cracht ende werckinghe, van den cruyden, niet alleen hier te lande wassende, maer oock van de[n] andere[n] Vremde[n] in der medecynen oorboorlijck, met grooter neersticheyt begrepen ende verclaert es, met der seluer cruyden natuerlijck naer dat leuen conterfeytsel daer by ghestelt /duer D. Rembert Dodoens ... Van nieuws ouersien, ende met seer veel schoone nieuwe figueren vermeerdert.
Publication info: Gheprint Thantwerpen :In die Cammerstrate inden Arent seghen Scarabaeum by my Jan vander Loe,1563.
Cruydt-boeck Remberti Dodonaei volghens sijne laetste verbeteringhe :met biivoeghsels achter elck capitel, uyt verscheyden cruydt-beschrijvers. Item, in 't laetste een beschrijvinghe vande Indiaensche ghewassen, meest ghetrocken uyt de schriften van Carolus Clusius. Nu wederom van nieuws oversien ende verbetert.
Publication info: T'Antwerpen :Inde Plantijnsche Druckerije van Balthasar Moretus,1644.
Florum, et coronarianum odoratarumque nonnullarum herbarum historia /Remberto Dodonaeo ... auctore.
Publication info: Antuerpiae :Ex officina Christophori Plantini,1569.
Frumentorum, Leguminum, palustrium et aquatilium herbarum,ac eorum, quae eò pertinent, historia: Remberto Dodonaeo Mechliniensi Medico auctore...
Publication info: Antverpiae,Ex officina Christophori Plantini,1566.
The Herball, or, Generall historie of plantes /gathered by John Gerarde of London, master in chirurgerie.
Publication info: Imprinted at LondonBy Iohn Norton,1597.
A new herball, or, Historie of plants :wherein is contained the whole discourse and perfect description of all sorts of herbes and plants : their diuers and sundrie kindes : their names, natures, operations, & vertues : and that not onely of those which are heere growing in this our countrie of England, but of all others also of forraine realms commonly used in physicke, First set foorth in the Douch or Almaigne toong /by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens ... and now first translated out of French into English, by Henrie Lyte, Esquier.
Publication info: London :Imprinted by Ninian Newton,1586.
A nievve herball, or, Historie of plantes :wherein is contayned the vvhole discourse and perfect description of all sortes of herbes and plantes : their diuers and sundry kindes ... and that not onely of those whiche are here growyng in this our countrie of Englande but of all others also of forrayne realmes commonly used in physicke. First set foorth in the Doutche or Almaigne tongue /by that learned D. Rembert Dodoens ... and now first translated out of French into English, by Henry Lyte, Esquyer.
Publication info: At London :By Mr. Gerard Dewes ...,1578.
Purgantium aliarumque eo facientium, tum et radicum, conuoluulorum ac deleteriarum herbarum historiae.Remberto Dodonaeo, Mechliniensi medico auctore ; accessit appendix variarŭ & quidem rarissimarum nonnullarum stirpium, ac florum quorundam peregrinorum, elegantissimorum icones omnino nouas nec anteà editas, singulorum breues descriptiones continens ; cuius altera parte vmbelliferae exhibentur non paucae, eodem auctore.
Publication info: Antverpiae [Antwerp] :Ex officina Christophori Plantini, architypographi regij,MDLXXIIII [1574]
Remberti Dodonaei ... Stirpium historiae pemptades sex, sive libri XXX.
Publication info: Antuerpiae :Ex officina Christophori Plantini,1583.
Remberti Dodonaei ... Stirpium historiae pemptades sex, sive libri XXX. Varie ab auctore, paullo ante mortem, aucti & emendati.
Publication info: Antuerpiae :Ex officina Plantiniana :Apud Balthasarem et Ioannem Moretos,1616.
Remberti Dodonaei ... trium priorum de stirpium historia commentariorum imagines ad viuum expressae :una cum indicibus, graeca, latina, officinarum, germanica, brabantica, gallicaq[ue] nomina complectentibus.
Publication info: Antverpiae :ex officina Ioannis Loei,1553.
Remberti Dodonaei mechliniensis medici De frugum historia.
Publication info: V. Antverpiae :Ex officina Ioannis Loei,1552.